Sunday, May 5, 2013

And Then There's This Asshole

Newt Gingrich said something either stupid or disingenuous on a Sunday news show!

You know, when he ran for President, my Dad asked me who would be running for his seat if he won.

"Dad, he hasn't been in office since I was in size 6 jeans."

My father was confused because why would all the news programs invite on a guy who failed at politics 15 years ago? He must be someone important because they kept putting him on TV.

Oh, if only the TV was filled with important people.

Anyway, Newt was on Meet the Press where he said this stupid thing (memorialized by Crooks and Liars).

"But what I'm struck with is the one-sidedness of the desire for rights," Gingrich continued. "There are no rights for Catholics to have adoption services in Massachusetts, they're outlawed. There are no rights in D.C. for Catholics to have adoption services, they're outlawed. This passing reference to religion -- 'We sort of respect religion.' Well, sure. As long as you don't practice it."
"I think it will be good to have a debate over -- beyond this question of are you able to be gay in America, what does it mean? Does it mean that you actually have to affirmatively eliminate any institution which does not automatically accept that?"
Catholics can't adopt in Massachusetts? That is terrible. That is a total violation of equal protection. I'm offended by that. Or I would be if it was true.

It isn't.

Catholic Charities ceased adoption services in Massachusetts because of anti-discrimination laws. Given the option of allowing gays to adopt (something they had done before but which the Vatican had told them to stop doing) or shutting down shop, they picked the latter.

Catholics can continue to adopt. In fact the same anti-discrimination law that protects gay couples also means that a Catholic couple can't be denied the opportunity to adopt by an Evangelical or Atheist adoption agency.

So, do you all think that Newt didn't know that fact? Or that he intentionally misrepresented the truth because he is just a hamster on the wingnut welfare wheel?

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